माँ और पापा या आई और बाबा : दो शब्द हैं, खुशबू से भरे 

                         ( पीयूष माथुर )

शब्द ख़ाली नहीं होते
उनमे होती है एक खुशबू 
जो याद दिलाती है उन एहसासों का   
जिनके ताने बाने से बुना होता है हमारा सारा जीवन
'माता'  -  'पिता',  कहने के लिहाज़ से.....दो शब्द ही तो हैं, 
हमारे बोलने की भाषा के
लेकिन इन शब्दों के कण कण में बसी हुई खुशबू
याद दिलाती है ऐसे दो प्यारे से, मीठे से नगमों का 
जो हमारी रग़ रग़ में 
किसी मनमोहक गाने की मीठी सी धुन की मानिंद 
घुली बसी होती है.

उनका हमारे जीवन में रहना या बहुत दूर चले जाना 
एक खुशबू के मद्धिम झोंके की तरह ही तो होता है 
जो हर बार हमें छूकर आता और जाता हुआ 
अपने बीते हुए स्वर्णिम पलों का स्मरण करा जाता है.

माँ और पापा, या आई और बाबा 
हम जो भी सम्बोधन करें 
इन शब्दों में हमेशा खुशबू का एक सैलाब सा उमड़ा चला आता है 
हमारे बीते बचपन और जवानी के अच्छे-बुरे दिनों को 
अपने दुलार भरे हाथों से सहलाता हुआ 
ढलते हुए सूरज के साथ, हर शाम जाने कहाँ दूर चला जाता है. 

[अपने स्वर्गीय माता पिता की स्मृति में फादर्स दे पर अभिव्यक्त भाव ]

मैं खुदा का नेक बंदा हूँ अपनी बात सुनाता हूँ

कैसे कहूं कि सुन नहीं सकता हूँ
कैसे कहूं  कि बोल भी नहीं सकता हूँ
इशारों इशारों के ज़रिये समझता हूँ समझाता हूँ
मैं खुदा का नेक बंदा हूँ अपनी बात सुनाता हूँ.

जब अपनी ही सांस लेने तक कि आवाज़
अपने ही कानों को सुनायी तक दी
और मां कहकर अपनी ही मां को बुलाने की आवाज़
अपने ही ओंठों तक आकर भी मां को सुनायी दी
तब मन मचल पड़ा ये तड़पकर चिल्लाने को
मां !   
कैसे कहूं कि सुन नहीं सकता हूँ
कैसे कहूं  कि बोल भी नहीं सकता हूँ

मां ने ही सबसे पहले सुना मेरी उस आवाज़ को
जिसे मैंने निकला था अपने बंद ओंठो से
मां ने ही सबसे पहले बाबा को बताया था 
कि मैं सुन नहीं सकता और बोल भी नहीं सकता हूँ
कि जिस्म हूँ पर जान नहीं हूँ
इन्सान हूँ पर पहचान नहीं हूँ
खुदा का बंदा ज़रूर हूँ पर
हर पल पहचान का मोहताज़ हूँ
जो मैं समझता हूँ वोह बता नहीं सकता हूँ
जो आप समझते हैं वोह मैं समझ नहीं पाता हूँ 
जो आप सुनाते है वोह मैं सुन नहीं सकता हूँ
जो मैं नहीं सुन पाता हूँ उसे आप नहीं समझ पाते हैं

ये कैसा सन्नाटा है ....... ये कैसी गूँज है
जो सुनाये सुन नहीं पाता हूँ
और बताये बोल नहीं पाता हूँ
या अल्लाह ये कोई गुनाह कि सजा है मेरी
या मेरी सजा की माफ़ी का तुम्हारा कोई नया अंदाज़ है
मेरे परवर दिगार ....... मेरे ईश्वर ..... मेरे मौला
मेरी आवाज़ को बुलंदी दे
मेरी सुनने की खोयी शक्ति को वापस दे   
मैं समझ गया हूँ कि ये मेरी मुश्किल परीक्षा है
जिसे पास करके ही अगले पड़ाव तक जाना है.

मेरे मालिक मुझे सहारा दे, मन की शक्ति दे
ताकि मैं चारों पहर तेरा नाम स्मरण कर सकूं
और अपने जीवन मैं तेरे ज्ञान और स्वरुप का प्रकाश भरके
अपनी आत्मा को उज्वल कर सकूं
और फिर गर्व से कह सकूं
कि अब सब कुछ सुन सकता हूँ
समझ सकता हूँ और समझा भी सकता हूँ.
मैं खुदा का नेक बंदा हूँ अपनी बात सुनाता हूँ.



{Piyush Mathur, Senior Advocate & Former High Court Judge}

   Right from the Origin of Mankind and Development of Human Races, Every Mighty Person has been Thriving for the Establishment of Supremacy of Individual Over Groups of People, with a view to Thrust Control Over the Human Force in One Form or the Other, right from the stage of Stone Age to the Developing Ages of Monarchy (Rule by One Individual), Oligarchy (Rule by Small Elite Class), Isocracy (Rule by Citizens, Who Possess Equal Political Powers) and Timocracy (Rule by Those Who Owns Property) etc., where sometimes Individuals had possessed the entire Power or at Times the Small Group of People had become the Repository of Power, to Govern the Entire Masses, which had Finally Taken the Humanity towards the System of Democracy, when Magna Carta was drawn in England and some of the Rights of the Subjects of the King were categorised and crystallized. 

    The Concept of Democracy finds its Foundation somewhere in the 18th and 19th Centuries, in some of the Countries of the World, but it got its Significance in the 20th and 21st Century, which Witnessed the Great Economic Depression in the World along with the Second World War, when the strength of ‘Democracy’ was Tested and Closely Analysed with the Fall of the Communist Soviet Union.

   An Analytical Research of the Historical Documents reveal that the Humanity has found several Forms of Democracy, which can be summarised as Representative Democracy, Parliamentary Democracy, Presidential Democracy, Liberal Democracy, Constitutional Democracy, Direct Democracy, Inclusive Democracy, Participatory Democracy, Socialist Democracy, Anarchist Democracy, Consensus Democracy,  Cosmopolitan Or Global Democracy, which engulf in itself Classic Differentiation in the Form and Substance of its Governing Principles, through the Participation of its People in different manner.
   When India fought for its Existence and attained Freedom in the Year 1947, it Witnessed a steep rise of a Political belief amongst its People, where the Supremacy of the People, emerged as the Decisive Political Force, with the fond hope of establishing a Federal System of Government, “By the People and For the People” and since then Our Country and Countrymen have adopted a path, which promises for the Equal Participation and Development of Each and Every Citizen.

   The Moment the Word “Democracy” is Uttered, the Human Brain start emitting flashes of Glorious Words like Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Occupation, Equality of Citizens, Independence from Foreign Rulers and above All, the Concept of the Citizen, being the Chief Contributor and Controller of the Establishment of Government and the Governance, through the Election of Representatives to the Parliament and State Assemblies. 

       An Edifice of Glory and Sacrifice emerge automatically in the Minds of the Citizens, which reminds Us of the painstaking efforts of Our Forefathers, who Fought and Shed their Blood and Sweat, for securing Freedom from the erstwhile Autocratic Rulers and established a Politically Sound System of Governance, through its Own People, For the People and By the People, in the shape of a Federal System of Democracy.

      The Opening phrase of the Preamble of Our Constitution of India, Brightly displays the Might of its Citizens as “We The People of India”, wherein and where around the entire Fabric of the Sovereignty of the Nation and its Governance is Woven, in such an Excellent Manner that it Strongly Portrays the Dynamism of its People, in the Creation of the Democratic Polity of the Nation and its Enjoyment by All, without Fear of being Ruled by any Individual or a Group of Mighty Politicians.

     The Concept of Democracy, as visualised by the Framers and Makers of Our Constitution, take into its Sweep Each and Every Citizen, when it Declares that Our Democratic Governance is “For the People, Of the People and By the People”. Therefore right from the stage of the Inception of “Democracy” in Our Country, the entire Foundation has been Laid on the Mighty Shoulders of its Citizens and the Strength of its People has been made the Life Force, for the body politic of Democracy.

    However Many Reformers, Lawmakers and Jurists have Expressed their Feelings about the Darker Aspect of the Democracy, on account of the Inability and Lack of Commitment of its Citizens, towards the True Development of the Democracy. A Famous Jurist, Economist and a Politician in the Body of a Famous Lawyer named Nani A. Palkhiwala, while dedicating his Collection of Essays
“We The People” has Coined his Concern in These Words……….
To My Countrymen
Who Gave Unto Themselves The Constitution,
But Not the Ability to Keep It,
Who Inherited a Resplendent Heritage,
But Not the Wisdom to Cherish It,
Who Suffer and Endure in Patience,
Without the Perception of their Potential.

    The History of Each Nation, records Stories of its Development, Achievements and Failures and remind People of the World, about What Happened Where ? and When a Country exhibit a Glorious Past and a Glorious Present, it simply Highlights the Heights, its People have attained in the Fields of Education, Literature, Science, Industry, Commerce and a Variety of Occupations and Avocations, which takes the Country to the Zenith of its Glory, in the Annals of Human Civilization.
   Shri Rabindra Nath Tagore had Expressed a Beautiful and Lyrical thought in Gitanjali about the People of His Country in These Words;
Where The Mind is Without Fear
And The Head is Held High
Where Knowledge is Free
Where The World Has Not Been Broken Up Into Fragments
By Narrow Domestic Walls;
Where Words Come Out From the Depth of Truth
Where Tireless Striving Stretches its Arms, Towards Perfection
Where the Clear Stream of Reason Has Not Lost its Way
Into The Dreary Desert Sand of Dead Habit;
Where the Mind is Led Forward by Thee
Into Ever Widening Thought and Action
Into That Heaven of Freedom, My Father
Let My Country Awake.

   Tracing the History of Democracy may be an Interesting Exercise for the purposes of Analysing the Rise and Fall of the Political Systems but One has to always Remember that even the Clear Principles of Democracy can not be applied as a Tailor Made Formula in any Country, without taking into account the Nature and Belief of its People, so Developed due to the Impact of their Culture and Civilization, therefore the Colours and Contours of the Democracy would keep on Changing, in different Backgrounds of Different Civilisations, although the System of Governance may remain the same i.e. Democratic Governance.

    Right from the Stage of Monarchical Rulers, Our Country has emitted Unique Illustrations of Democracy, when the People of Licchavi, in the Kingdom of Vaishali, (where Bhagwan Mahaveer was Born) have established a System of ‘Gantantra’, in the 6th Century Before Christ, which could be taken to be the First Illustration of Rise of Democracy in Our Country, as by this Time, even the ‘Magna Carta’ was not brought into its Existence in England, which is Claimed to be the First Known Document drawn in AD 1215, which talks about the protection of the Rights of the Citizens and placement of restriction on the Rights of the Monarch Named; King John of England, in these Words that;
“Decisions on Important Matters Should Not be Made By One Person Alone. They Should be Discussed With Many”.

   Modern History of Our Country is filled up with Enormous Illustrations to show that when the People of Our Country Gather Together and act Either as a Leader or as an Activist, they have All Aroused a great Deal of Storm in the Arteries of the Democracy and Brought about such Changes, for the benefit of the entire People of the Country, which has Ultimately Strengthened the body politic of Democracy, with the active Participation of its People. It may be the Freedom Struggle activated by Father of Nation Shri Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi or the Movement Shri Jai Prakash Narayan Ji took up 35 Years ago, Or the Latest Movement of Shri Anna Hazare for bringing a Strong Legislation in the shape of a Jan Lokpal. All these Movements, with the active Participation of the “People of India” have Strengthened the belief that ‘Democracy Lives In Its People”, because whenever and wherever, People of Our Country have Joined Hands and Collectively activated a Public Cause, the System has been Radically Mobilised and Resultantly the Democracy has been Strengthened.

   Sixty Three Years of Independence may be a Longer Time for Evaluation of the Development of the Mankind, but it would not be sufficient to Analyse or Evaluate the Success of Democracy Or Strength of a Democratic Nation, because it takes Centuries to Build a Nation and many more Years to Imbibe the Delicate Doctrine of Democracy in the Duty Free Cerebrum of Human Structure. Therefore Our Country might exhibit small patches of Development in the Urban Civilisation, however a great deal of Efforts need to be Focussed, for the development of the Rural India, where after alone the Democracy would start exhibiting its Effective and not Ephemeral Exuberance, with Equality of Opportunities and Placement, for All of its People.
   Post Independence Era of Our Country is Filled Up with Several Such Instances where due to Active Participation of the People of India, many New Vistas have been Opened and a Radical Change has been brought about by the Non Governmental Organisations, by Reaching Out to the Needy People of India and by Extending their Supporting Hand, to Firstly Wipe Out Tears from Their Eyes and Thereafter to provide Strength to them with their Dedicated Efforts, sometimes Without waiting for the Financial Assistance of the Central Or State Governments.

   This New Phenomenon of NGOs, in the Entire Country, could possibly do some Good Job, Only because Many Dedicated Citizens Realised that Paying Taxes to the Government is not Sufficient Enough, as They Owe Something More to Their Nation, which could be repaid in terms of extending a Helping Hand to the Needy and Poor Fellow Citizens. This Feeling of Oneness for Fellow Citizens has created Miracles in Many Areas of Life, by Public Spirited Persons, Who do not care as to Whether they are a Part of the Governance Or Not; but they Simply Care for Those Who really Need Care. Therefore the Democracy could be seen, in its Body and Form, in the Conduct and Compassion of its Citizens, as to How Much Each One of Us Care for the Cause of the Other Fellow Citizen and How Dispassionately One Extends His Helping Hand to Strengthen the Democracy.        

   The Judicial Activism has also Contributed immensely in the Development of the True Democracy, with the advent of an Innovative Category of Public Interest Litigation, wherein the Supreme Court and High Courts of Our Country have Opened Wide Windows for Non-Traditional Category of Litigation, while exercising its Extraordinary Jurisdiction of issuance of Prerogative Writs, for protecting the Fundamental Rights of the People of This Country, as also for providing an Effective Mechanism, with a view to secure Constitutional Obligations of the Public Functionaries, which has Greatly Helped in the Development of the Institution of Democracy and the Mankind.

    Our Country and Countrymen have proved by their Conduct and Active Participation that the Development of a Country depends upon the mighty Conviction and Active Participation of its Citizens, in bringing about a Strong Nation and when the People of the Country becomes the Life Force of the Democracy, in-spite of a variety of Hurdles and Difficulties, One could Rightly say that the Democracy Lives By Its People. However the Citizens should always Remember their Promises made with their Own Country, for Building a Strong Nation and a Strong Democracy, Only then the Democracy would remain a Fresh Bouquet of Roses and the Journey would become full of Fragrance, in the Words of Robert Frost, who said;
The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep
But I Have Promises To Keep
And Miles to Go Before I Sleep
And Miles to Go Before I Sleep.
   Thank You Very Much.
   Jai Hind.

आज 'फादर्स डे' पर निदा फाजली की लिखी कुछ पंक्तियाँ याद आती हैं

तुम्हारी क़ब्र पर मैं
फातेहा पढ़ने  नहीं  आया
मुझे  मालूम था तुम  मर  नहीं  सकते
तुम्हारी मौत की सच्ची खबर
जिसने उड़ाई थी वो झूठा था
वो तुम  कब  थे ?
कोई सूखा हुआ पत्ता हवा में गिर के टूटा था
मेरी आँखें
तुम्हारे मंज़रों में क़ैद हैं अब तक
मैं जो भी देखता हूँ, सोचता हूँ
वो वही है
जो तुम्हारी नेकनामी और बदनामी की दुनिया थी
कहीं कुछ भी नहीं बदला
तुम्हारे हाथ, मेरी उँगलियों में सांस लेते हैं
मैं लिखने के लिए जब भी, कलम कागज़ उठाता हूँ
तुम्हें बैठा हुवा मैं
अपनी ही कुर्सी में पाता हूँ,
बदन में मेरे, जितना भी लहू  है,
वो तुम्हारी
लगजिशों, नाकामियों के साथ बहता है,
मेरी आवाज़ में छुप कर, तुम्हारा ज़ेहन रहता  है,
मेरी बीमारियों  में तुम,
मेरी लाचारियों में तुम
तुम्हारी क़ब्र पर जिस ने तुम्हारा नाम लिख्खा है
वो झूठा है
तुम्हारी क़ब्र में, मैं दफ्न  हूँ,
तुम ज़िंदा  हो  !
तुम ज़िंदा  हो  !
मिले फ़ुर्सत कभी, तो  फ़ातेहा पढ़ने चले आना.

नयी पीढ़ी को सलीब उठाना ही होगा

जब वर्तमान करवट बदलता है तो मानो कुछ अप्रत्याशित सा घटने वाला होता है. ऐसा लगने लगता है जैसे कोई नया इतिहास लिखा जाने का आगास हो रहा है. आज जब भ्रष्टाचार हमारे आम व्यवहार का हिस्सा बन गया है और सब ओर निराशा का और भ्रष्टाचार के सामने हार जाने जैसा ग़मगीन माहोल बन गया है, ऐसी परिस्थिति  में पूरे देश में भ्रष्टाचार को मिटाने की जो एक नयी शुरुआत हुई है, वह अगर सही दिशा में अग्रसर होती रही तो संभवतः हमारा हिंदुस्तान एक बेमिसाल गणतंत्र बन जायेगा लेकिन चरित्र में लग चुकी दीमक को पहचानकर उसे अपने आप से अलग कर फेंकने का साहस जुटाना और अब नए सिरे से " सद्चरित्र " का बीजारोपण करना भ्रष्ट-आचरण करने वाले नागरिकों के लिए,  किसी पुरानी लत से पीछा छुड़ाने जैसा,  मुश्किल काम होगा.
आज जितनी ज़रूरत भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ पुरजोर आवाज़ उठाने और तमाम भ्रष्टाचारियों को सज़ा देने की है, उससे कहीं ज्यादा ज़रूरत, बाकी बच रहे भ्रष्टाचारियों को नैतिकता की राह पर लौटाने की प्रेरणा देने की भी है.
इस संक्रमणकाल में हर एक परिवार के बच्चों की यह नैतिक ज़िम्मेदारी बनती है कि वे अपनी लाइफ स्टाइल और खर्चों का तालमेल बैठाकर, कमाई करके लाने वाले अपने माता-पिता को और भाई-बहनों को नीतिपूर्ण और ईमानदार जीवन जीने की प्रेरणा दें और स्वयं भी तकलीफ उठाकर ही सही, लेकिन एक नए ईमानदार गणतंत्र की स्थापना में अपना योगदान दें, तभी भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ हम सब हमेशा के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हो सकेंगे अन्यथा ऐसी मुहिम एक तात्कालिक घटना बनकर हमारे दिलो-दिमाग से कुछ दिनों के बाद ओझिल हो जायेगी और हमारा गणतंत्र भ्रष्टाचार के दलदल में और गहरा दफ्न होता चला जाएगा, जिसे बचाने के लिए हमारे बीच कोई भी "महात्मा" या "अन्ना" बाकी बच नहीं रह पायेगा और दुर्भाग्यवश अगली पीढ़ी के सामने "आदर्श" के रूप में वर्तमान भ्रष्टाचारी लोग ही बच रहेंगे, जो आज तो अपने देश के दुश्मन हैं और कल पूरी मानवता के दुश्मन साबित होंगे. इसलिए हर एक आम और ख़ास को और विशेष तौर पर नयी पीढ़ी को देश को भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त करने का सलीब, ईसा मसीह की तरह, अपने कांधों पर उठाना ही होगा, तभी हम सब देशवासी, भ्रष्टाचार की गुलामी और अतिभौतिकता रूपी विषकन्या जनित चारित्रिक पतन के श्राप से मुक्त / आज़ाद हो पायेंगे और हमेशा के लिए एक ठोस राष्ट्रीय चरित्र की आधारशिला, प्रत्येक नागरिक के अंतःकरण में पुनर्स्थापित करने में सफल हो सकेंगे.
* पीयूष माथुर  


इंडियन क्रिकेट टीम और सभी इंडियंस ने साबित कर दिया
कि खेल की भावना सारे  रिश्तों को मीठा कर देती है.
दोनों देशों और सभी देशवासियों में ऐसा ही प्यार बना रहे 
ऐसी शुभकामना है. 

Life After Life : My Evaluation

(A Book Written By : Raymond A. Moody)
{An Overview By  : Piyush Mathur, Indore (India)}

     ‘Life after Death’ had been an awakening subject for the entire Humanity, as everybody who takes Birth gets automatically interested in the subject of “Birth and Death” and a question naturally springs up in the Head and Heart of Human Being as to What Happens after Death !

     Raymond A. Moody, a Psychiatrist and a Philosopher, before publishing this Work, claims to have examined about 150 Human beings, who had encountered ‘near death experience’, either when they met with an accident or when they were lying on the Operation Theatre Table or were critically unwell and were diagnosed and declared by their treating Doctors, as being ‘Dead’, where after they travelled to an unknown World/Space, met with a Brilliant Light, which was having a definite shape and felt extremely comforting in its presence and on being directed to go back, they came back into the same physical body, they were holding, before the journey, as a Human being.

      The Book was initially published in Year 1975 (Freshly Printed now in Year 2001) and it is described that the Author has published more Works on similar topics viz. ‘Coming Back: A Psychiatrist Explores Past Life Journeys’; ‘The Last Laugh: A New Philosophy of Near Death Experience, Apparitions and the Paranormal’; ‘Laugh after Laugh: The Healing Power of Humour’; ‘The Light Beyond’; ‘Reunions’; and ‘Scrying: A Feminine Form of Divination’.

      The Title of the Book “Life After Life” is an interesting caption of the study and research made by Raymond A. Moody who has made narration of the subject in such an interesting manner that the reader tend to speed up the reading quickly, though during the process, several questions crops up in the mind of the reader about the “World Beyond World”, however the Author himself employs his own critical disagreement with the narration of the ‘near death patients’ and deploy tools of logic and blend these topics well with the established scientific tools, smoothly available at the command of an expert Psychiatrist and Philosopher to carry the point home in the minds of the reader.

      The author has taken sufficient care and caution in analysing the common trends and phenomenon, observed by each such ‘near death person’ to reach a stage, to make the reader believe that a Strong Being/Light does exist, somewhere in the superior realm, which lovingly deals with the Souls, makes an analysis of their Work as human being and ask them to complete their assigned Works, in case some work remains unfinished or incomplete, by sending their Soul back to their physical form/body, on Planet Earth.

      While briefly introducing the topic in Chapter (1) ‘The Phenomenon of Death; the author has classified his entire Work in Chapter (2) “The Experience of Dying” by recording experiences of the unknown ‘near death persons’ as to what they felt (Feelings of Peace and Quiet); what sounds/noises they heard (The Noise), which passage they thought they travelled (The Dark Tunnel), how did they feel when they came out of their own physical body (Out of Body), whom they met/saw at that unknown spiritual place (Meeting Others), what was the shape, size or features of the Great Being/Light (The Being of Light), was there any boundary, barrier or border which a Soul crosses in the process (The Border or Limit) and the most interesting narration relates to the fact and feelings of returning back to the physical body (Coming Back) and sharing or not sharing the experience with near ones (Telling Others) and what impact this spiritual journey causes on the Soul (Effects on Lives).

       Raymond A. Moody has also made sincere endeavour of finding out the common sources and/or common connections to trace out a common source of information/impressions on all these ‘near dead persons’ and has made close scrutiny of their individual, social and religious beliefs to analyse spiritual impact of such an event, on their psyche to illustrate each individual to be genuinely reproducing his/her own impression of the experience, without being influenced by any Drug or medications responsible for even causing Hallucinations, with a view to scientifically obliterate external traumatic causes, in generation of a feeling of having such a spiritual journey.

       The author has taken into stock the religious references, occurred in The Bible and the Works of Plato, while examining/testing the credibility of the narration of ‘near death person’ from a religious and philosophical point of view as also by borrowing the Tibetan Philosophy of birth, death and return of Soul from ‘The Tibetan Book of the Dead’ while himself offering several sound Questions and offering its Explanations, by classifying explanations into three broad categories viz. Supernatural, Natural and Psychological and the Author had made every effort to declare this research work to be an unscientific work, on being himself not satisfied about the theories relating to Souls travelling any distance into the void or beyond and occupying same physical bodies, upon return, from such a journey, at the dictate of the Super Being (Supreme Light).

         The topic ‘Life After Life’ seems to be not scientifically convincing for the Americans, Britishers or Europeans in general, but it has probably got its roots and great significance in the Hindu Mythology as the Old Sages had experienced and practised metaphysics, through their special Mantras and had attained higher/superior body and soul existence, in physical and non-physical forms, which find its mention and reflections in several such Religious and Spiritual Works right from Vedic Era up till Upanishad Era and even the Indian Modern Theorists have successfully propounded the theory of the existence of the Supreme Being as Almighty God and the theories of       Souls taking Birth and Coming back (reincarnation) on Earth.

          While making a close reading of the Book ‘Life After Life’ it comes vividly in the mind, on several occasions that the research is quite close to the reality of ‘Life before Death’ as well, in as much as experiences alone makes it abundantly clear that the present Life has a definite purpose and a well defined meaning, which sometimes is understandable to some and at times un-understandable to many, but the fact remains that ‘Life is Life’ and ‘Death is Death’ and whatever comes in between or beyond, should better remain a mystery, so as to allow the Souls to Live the Life happily and complete its journey and purposefulness on Planet Earth.

                                                                                       (PIYUSH MATHUR)
                                                                             At Indore. February 15, 2011